英國海關編碼(HS-code):2924299899 概述(Summary):2924299899. Other cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof. General tariff:.
英國海關編碼(HS-code):2924299899 概述(Summary):2924299899. Other cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof. General tariff:.
印度海關編碼(HS-code):29242990 概述(Summary):29242990. other aromatic Cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof. General tariff:10.0%.
印度海關編碼(HS-code):29242990 概述(Summary):29242990. other aromatic Cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof. General tariff:10.0%.
日本海關編碼(HS-code):292429090 概述(Summary):292429090. Other cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof. General tariff:0.046. WTO tariff:0.031. GSP tariff:Free.
日本海關編碼(HS-code):292429090 概述(Summary):292429090. Other cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof. General tariff:0.046. WTO tariff:0.031. GSP tariff:Free.
歐盟海關編碼(HS-code):29242998 概述(Summary):29242998. Other cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof. General tariff:6.5%.
歐盟海關編碼(HS-code):29242998 概述(Summary):29242998. Other cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof. General tariff:6.5%.